

Active Directory 複制發現下(xià)列分(fēn)區中(zhōng)存在的對象已經從 本地域控制器(DC) Active Directory 數據庫中(zhōng)删除。 在邏輯删除生(shēng)存時間過期之前,部分(fēn)直接或可傳遞的複制 夥伴沒有複制該删除。已經從 Active Directory 分(fēn)區 删除并垃圾收集的對象,如果仍然存在于同一(yī)域中(zhōng)其他 DC 的可寫入分(fēn)區中(zhōng)或林中(zhōng)其他域中(zhōng)的全局編錄服務器的 隻讀分(fēn)區中(zhōng),被稱作“延遲對象”。
此事件被記錄到日志(zhì),因爲源 DC 包含的延遲對象不存在于 本地 Active Directory 數據庫上。此複制被阻止。
源 DC (傳輸特定的網絡地址):
CN=楊善根\0ADEL:2ba287eb-d6de-4563-998a-cedf6d16c305,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=chinahikari,DC=com 
對象 GUID:
該操作将從此錯誤(可以在 http://support.microsoft.com/?id=314282 找到)恢複。
如果源和目标 DC 都是 Windows Server 2003 DC,那麽請安裝 包含在安裝 CD 上的支持工(gōng)具。要查看實際上不執行删除的 要删除的對象,請運行 "repadmin /removelingeringobjects <Source DC> <Destination DC DSA GUID> <NC> /ADVISORY_MODE"。 源 DC 上的事件日志(zhì)将枚舉所有延遲對象。要從源域控制器删除 延遲對象,請運行 "repadmin /removelingeringobjects <Source DC> <Destination DC DSA GUID> <NC>"。
如果源或域控制器之一(yī)是 Windows 2000 Server DC,那麽可以 在 http://support.microsoft.com/?id=314282 找到更多有關如何删除 源 DC 上的延遲對象的信息,或從您的 Microsoft 支持專家獲得這些信息。
如果需要 Active Directory 複制立即工(gōng)作(不計成本)并且沒有 時間删除延遲對象,請通過取消下(xià)列注冊表項設置,啓用松散複制 一(yī)緻性:
Registry Key:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters\Strict Replication Consistency
 共享公共分(fēn)區的 DC 之間的複制錯誤可能導緻 DC 之間的用戶 和計算機帳戶、信任關系、他們的密碼、安全組、安全組成員(yuán) 關系和其他 Active Directory 配置數據不同,這将影響登錄、 查找相關對象和執行其他重要操作。一(yī)旦解決了複制錯誤, 這些不一(yī)緻将解決。未能在邏輯删除生(shēng)存時間内入站複制删除的 對象的 DC 将保持不一(yī)緻,除非管理員(yuán)手動從每一(yī)個本地 DC 删除延遲對象。
 延遲對象可能被阻止,從而确保林中(zhōng)所有域控制器運行 Active Directory,經由生(shēng)成樹(shù)連接拓撲連接, 而且在邏輯 删除生(shēng)存時間過期之前執行入站複制。
有關更多信息,請參閱在 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp 的幫助和支持中(zhōng)心。
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>dcdiag
Domain Controller Diagnosis
Performing initial setup:
   Done gathering initial info.
Doing initial required tests
   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\ADSERVER
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test Connectivity
Doing primary tests
   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\ADSERVER
      Starting test: Replications
         [HYSH03] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 1753,
         [Replications Check,ADSERVER] A recent replication attempt failed:
            From HYSH03 to ADSERVER
            Naming Context: DC=chinahikari,DC=com
            The replication generated an error (8606):
            The failure occurred at 2012-06-03 18:59:47.
            The last success occurred at 2012-06-02 17:17:57.
            306 failures have occurred since the last success.
         ADSERVER:  Current time is 2012-06-03 19:17:31.
               Last replication recieved from HYSH03 at 2012-06-02 17:17:57.
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test Replications
      Starting test: NCSecDesc
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test NCSecDesc
      Starting test: NetLogons
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test NetLogons
      Starting test: Advertising
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test Advertising
      Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
      Starting test: RidManager
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test RidManager
      Starting test: MachineAccount
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test MachineAccount
      Starting test: Services
            Dnscache Service is stopped on [ADSERVER]
         ......................... ADSERVER failed test Services
      Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test ObjectsReplicated
      Starting test: frssysvol
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test frssysvol
      Starting test: frsevent
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test frsevent
      Starting test: kccevent
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test kccevent
      Starting test: systemlog
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000005
            Time Generated: 06/03/2012   19:07:37
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         ......................... ADSERVER failed test systemlog
      Starting test: VerifyReferences
         ......................... ADSERVER passed test VerifyReferences
   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running partition tests on : Schema
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running partition tests on : Configuration
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running partition tests on : chinahikari
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... chinahikari passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... chinahikari passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running enterprise tests on : chinahikari.com
      Starting test: Intersite
         ......................... chinahikari.com passed test Intersite
      Starting test: FsmoCheck
         ......................... chinahikari.com passed test FsmoCheck
根據以上大(dà)篇幅的提示中(zhōng)藍(lán)色加粗的部分(fēn)的說明讓我(wǒ)感覺興奮,立即在PDC(ADServer)上打開(kāi)注冊表按照其提示找到 Strict Replication Consistency 并把其值改爲0(原值爲1),以爲問題得到解決,再次dcdiag(這次是在BDC[hysh03]上運行)卻讓人既高興又(yòu)失望,高興的是不再提示“沒有給定足夠的屬性以創建對象。這個對象可能不存在因爲它可能已經删除域垃圾收集。”,失望的是新的錯誤又(yòu)産生(shēng)“Active Directory 不能與此服務器複制,因爲距上一(yī)次與此服務器複制的時間已經超過了tombstone 生(shēng)存時間。”dcdiag的結果如下(xià):
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator.CHINAHIKARI>dcdiag
Domain Controller Diagnosis
Performing initial setup:
   Done gathering initial info.
Doing initial required tests
   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\HYSH03
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test Connectivity
Doing primary tests
   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\HYSH03
      Starting test: Replications
         [Replications Check,HYSH03] A recent replication attempt failed:
            From ADSERVER to HYSH03
            Naming Context: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=chinahikari,DC=com
            The replication generated an error (8614):
            Active Directory 不能與此服務器複制,因爲距上一(yī)次與此服務器複制的時
間已經超過了 tombstone 生(shēng)存時間。
            The failure occurred at 2012-06-04 14:55:56.
            The last success occurred at 2012-06-01 08:49:32.
            79 failures have occurred since the last success.
         [ADSERVER] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error -2146893022,
         [Replications Check,HYSH03] A recent replication attempt failed:
            From ADSERVER to HYSH03
            Naming Context: CN=Configuration,DC=chinahikari,DC=com
            The replication generated an error (8614):
            Active Directory 不能與此服務器複制,因爲距上一(yī)次與此服務器複制的時
間已經超過了 tombstone 生(shēng)存時間。
            The failure occurred at 2012-06-04 15:20:02.
            The last success occurred at 2012-06-01 08:49:32.
            208 failures have occurred since the last success.
         [Replications Check,HYSH03] A recent replication attempt failed:
            From ADSERVER to HYSH03
            Naming Context: DC=chinahikari,DC=com
            The replication generated an error (8614):
            Active Directory 不能與此服務器複制,因爲距上一(yī)次與此服務器複制的時
間已經超過了 tombstone 生(shēng)存時間。
            The failure occurred at 2012-06-04 15:22:59.
            The last success occurred at 2012-06-01 08:39:00.
            13710 failures have occurred since the last success.
         HYSH03:  Current time is 2012-06-04 15:23:06.
               Last replication recieved from ADSERVER at 2011-06-01 08:49:32.
               WARNING:  This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 180 days
               Last replication recieved from ADSERVER at 2011-06-01 08:49:32.
               WARNING:  This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 180 days
               Last replication recieved from ADSERVER at 2011-06-01 08:39:00.
               WARNING:  This latency is over the Tombstone Lifetime of 180 days
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test Replications
      Starting test: NCSecDesc
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test NCSecDesc
      Starting test: NetLogons
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test NetLogons
      Starting test: Advertising
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test Advertising
      Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
         [ADSERVER] LDAP bind failed with error 8341,
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bi
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bi
         Warning: ADSERVER is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bin
         Warning: ADSERVER is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bin
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not respon
ding to DS RPC Bind.
         Warning: ADSERVER is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not respon
ding to LDAP Bind.
         ......................... HYSH03 failed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
      Starting test: RidManager
         ......................... HYSH03 failed test RidManager
      Starting test: MachineAccount
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test MachineAccount
      Starting test: Services
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test Services
      Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test ObjectsReplicated
      Starting test: frssysvol
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test frssysvol
      Starting test: frsevent
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test frsevent
      Starting test: kccevent
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0xC00007FA
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:10:29
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0xC00007FA
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:12:00
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0xC00007FA
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:12:14
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0xC00007FA
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:20:02
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0xC00007FA
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:20:14
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         ......................... HYSH03 failed test kccevent
      Starting test: systemlog
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:24:20
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:29:28
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:30:51
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0xC0002719
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:30:51
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:34:36
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:36:14
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:55:56
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:56:14
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x0000168E
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:56:20
            Event String: The dynamic registration of the DNS record
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0xC0001B6F
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:56:59
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:57:30
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x0000165B
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   14:57:47
            Event String: The session setup from computer 'JSB_06' failed
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x000016AD
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:00:04
            Event String: The session setup from the computer JSB_06 failed
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:13:40
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:16:25
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:18:14
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:19:51
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:22:56
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:22:57
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:23:06
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         An Error Event occured.  EventID: 0x40000004
            Time Generated: 06/04/2012   15:23:06
            (Event String could not be retrieved)
         ......................... HYSH03 failed test systemlog
      Starting test: VerifyReferences
         ......................... HYSH03 passed test VerifyReferences
   Running partition tests on : Schema
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running partition tests on : Configuration
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running partition tests on : chinahikari
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... chinahikari passed test CrossRefValidation
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... chinahikari passed test CheckSDRefDom
   Running enterprise tests on : chinahikari.com
      Starting test: Intersite
         ......................... chinahikari.com passed test Intersite
      Starting test: FsmoCheck
         ......................... chinahikari.com passed test FsmoCheck
Value Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters
Value Name: Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner(如沒有此鍵值可以直接增加)
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 1
Value Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters
Value Name: Strict Replication Consistency
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0
Value Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters
Value Name: Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 1
Value Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters
Value Name: Strict Replication Consistency
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 1







Copyright © 鄭州易科計算機服務有限公司 地址:廣州市天河區龍口西路100号中(zhōng)明大(dà)廈1601





